Sunday, September 16, 2012

Six Songs of Moi

It's funny that, in the beginning I said I would try not to write anything about my personal life on here, yet for every entry I make, I give a brief story explaining my long absence from the last time I posted something. Well, there's not much I can say that is of any interest, other than that I have got a new laptop (hey, if I'm not going to leave the country this year, I may as well buy something with the money I have been saving). I will also be starting a 10 week writing class, in an attempt to acquire a hobby. All the more reason to buy a laptop with a built in wifi receiver (or whatever it's called), so I can type from the comfort of my own bed.

Today's blog entry will be music related (as opposed to film related or something original and worthy of an article). On the Guardian website, there are people picking six songs, one of each that links to a particular topic, and made by people who I've never heard of (for example, this article), hence why I don't really bother with their choices. But I liked the idea, so I thought I'd do my own list of songs that no-one else would care about. At least some of the songs are better than the ones I used to "sing" when I was in a band.

Back when I was a lead "singer" in 2007

My list of songs are here, and my reasons, thoughts, and opinions are written below. While picking my songs, I found the preset list to be very limited, and I'll explain why also.

What was the first song you ever bought?
"Do The Bartman" by The Simpsons

To be honest, I can't remember what was the first "single" I bought. When I was younger I normally got music cassettes and CDs from my parents, so I was picking one of the first CD singles I had. I was going to pick "Slam Jam" by WWF Superstars, which included The Undertaker, Bret Hart, Macho Man (RIP) and British Bulldog (RIP). But the six songs database didn't have that song, so I chose this instead.

What song always gets you dancing?
"Get Your Body Beat" by Combichrist

I can't dance. Full stop. And whenever I do, it is either at the request of a family member, trying to impress a member of the opposite sex, or I am absolutely plastered. But for whatever reason, whenever I hear this song being played, it always makes me want to move and dance, and most of the time, it succeeds.

What song takes you back to your childhood?
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen

My mum used to play this to me and my brother when we were little, and the song had been ingrained in my psyche for so long, I thought this song was from the 101 Dalmatians. That was because we used to have Disney storybooks with cassettes that said the words aloud when we read them, and at the end of the cassettes, they played the songs from the film. I may be wrong, but I could swear my mum put this song at the end of the 101 Dalmatians cassette. Still, nice to know my mum was bringing me up on good music.

What is your perfect love song?
"Flames" by Vast

This song is my favourite song of all time. It is very simple yet evokes feelings of sadness, longing, and in this case, love. It's not well known, and people look at me funny when I tell them that this is my favourite song. If I ever go back to playing guitar, this would be one of the first songs I would learn the chords to.

What song would you want at your funeral?
"Mr Blobby Song" by Mr Blobby and The Smurfs

Again the six songs database is limited, and the closest I could get was the original "Mr Blobby" song. But this version is the one I want played at my funeral, just to annoy everyone, and remind people of my weird sense of humour, even after death. I'd also have a bouncy castle afterwards, and my epitaph would read "pecked to death by ducks". Hell, I'd even make my gravestone a urinal, so people can have the chance to piss on my grave.

Time for the encore. One last song that makes you, you?
"Everyday Is Exactly The Same" by Nine Inch Nails

I admit this is a depressing song to pick as the one that defines me. I could have lied and picked something funny and/or positive, but I am brutally honest. The lyrics are pretty much how I feel about life, and how I feel about myself. And the sad thing is, no matter how much I try to change my situation, or keep wishing for a light at the end of the tunnel, it will never be.

And on a final note.....

Just to lighten the move after that last paragraph, I am posting this, which a mate of mine showed me last night. I am definitely busting these dance moves next time Combichrist comes on in public.