Friday, October 12, 2012

Halloween Countdown (Day 11: Living Dead)

I am tired. I really am. I feel like I'm running on empty this week. A combination of work, lack of sleep, and stress has left me feeling a bit worse for wear, physically and mentally, cliched as that statement is. Which is a pretty good excuse to tone down on the number of entries, as in all fairness, I'm the only one that reads them.

But then I got some inspiration. Last night I was having problems with copying music onto iTunes, so that left me in a bit of a pissy humour going to bed, and the following morning. After a long day and a lot on my mind, I checked my computer again, and everything seems to be working fine. So that cheered me up at least.

So with that in mind, it gave me an idea for a Halloween themed blog entry that involved music. I know it's not entirely movie related, but to be fair, watching a film (90-120 mins) and writing about it (which could take 2-3 hours, which does incorporate mini-breaks which are used to do on the spot editing, as I don't have time to do drafts), it does take a fair bit of time.

So I needed something that could at least stay true to the theme in hand, while taking a break from the cinematic side. Plus something that wouldn't take up most of the free time I rarely have these days. And hey, I need to have a little bit of fun. So I am going to do what I haven't done in many, many years; make a mixtape. Albeit an online one. I aimed for a 60 minute time limit, with 30 minutes for each "side". The sides are as follows:

Side 1: tracks that range from hard rock to cheese.
Side A: tracks that range from soundtracks to odd pieces of music.

Why "Side 1" and "Side A"? I got the inspiration from "The Melvins", where they have some vinyl singles that do this, most likely for the laugh. And I know some of these tracks may not really be considered "horror" material, but I was just going with the flow, picking songs out of my brain that I thought would seem appropriate


Side 1 Track 1: "I, Zombie" - White Zombie
Appropriate opener, considering the fact that it was the title of the last blog entry.

Side 1 Track 2: "Scream" - The Misfits
Gotta include something from The Misfits, what with the ghoul make up and all.

Side 1 Track 3: "I Love To Say Fuck" - Murderdolls
This song was originally by lead singer Wednesday 13's original band "Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13". I just like the production value on this version.

Side 1 Track 4: "Dream Warriors" by Dokken
How could I not put this bit of cheese on there? Plus it's the theme song from my favourite "Elm St" film.

Side 1 Track 5: "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr.
It was either this or "Thriller".

Side 1 Track 6: "Black Sabbath" - Black Sabbath
In the 60's a band called "Earth", after watching a Boris Karloff movie in the cinema, noted that people pay money to see scary movies. They came up with the idea of doing something similar with music. And thus, Black Sabbath came into being, and is responsible for almost the majority of my CD collection, in terms of influence.


Side A Track 1: "Halloween Theme Tune" - John Carpenter
.....why do you think I put this on here?

Side A Track 2: " It Took The Night To Believe" - Sunn O)))
The music is unsettling enough as it is. And they perform onstage to blinding amounts of dry ice, covered in black cloaks, and playing to room shuddering decibels.

Side A Track 3: "The Downward Spiral" - Nine Inch Nails
On an album filled with harrowing, bleak, and aggressive tracks, this little number is made that more disturbing by the sounds of screaming.

Side A Track 4: "Revolution Number 9" - The Beatles
Is it any wonder why Charles Manson was a Beatles fan?

Side A Track 5: "Hello Zepp" - Charlie Clouser
Sure I've written enough about the SAW series on this blog, but this track is still a great instrumental. Even if it was used in the trailers for "Valkyrie" and "The Box".

Side A Track 6: "Enter Sandman" - Rockabye Baby!
Goodnight all, sweet dreams.

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